
Cockroach Pest Control Treatment & Removal Services

NYC Cockroaches Exterminator

Cockroaches leave tracks that our trained staff use to identify and locate the nesting area. Once located we use the safest and highest quality products to eliminate the infestation. Bear in mind that roaches transport pathogens and spread disease making them a serious health risk that needs to be eradicated to avoid potentially major health and safety issues. Due to the potentially serious health concerns it is recommended to call a professional NYC Cockroach Exterminator like Jet Pest Control.

New York City ranked #9 in cities with a roach infestation problem. An incredible 15.6% of residents reported an infestation. The German and American cockroach dominate the landscape, but five other species of roaches also thrive in NYC and New Jersey. They are the Oriental, the Brown-Banded, the Australian, the Surinam, and more recently the invasive Japanese cockroach. First discovered in 2012 in NYC, what makes the Japanese Cockroach so worrisome is that unlike most species, they thrive in freezing winter temperatures.

Cockroaches develop rapidly, a one-day-old roach runs almost as fast as its parents (3 miles an hour). Although it can appear that they scramble about all willy-nilly, they are social creatures and when it comes to food sources, they make decisions collectively. They communicate with each other through buzzing, hissing, chirping, and the release of pheromones. It is thought they may be the first creature to perfect self-powered flight by using two sets of soft wings. This gave them an incredible advantage in the search for food and the ability to evade predators. Fun-fact: They have been sent into space by Russia where they continued producing offspring!


Through-out the ages, cultures have documented and commented on the insidious pest. Ancient Egyptians prayed to their God, Khnum, to banish the pest. In ancient Rome, Pliny the Elder commented on the disgusting nature of the creature and their use in medicine. Captain John Smith of the Jamestown colony mentioned the “cacarooch” and its bad-smelling dung. 


With such a long and auspicious history, it is no wonder they are still thriving today. Finding a few roaches in your home or business is usually a sign of a much larger problem. Because they reproduce so quickly, this is not a pest you want to attempt to get rid of yourself. They have become resistant to many over-the-counter products and by the time you realize your treatment isn’t working, you'll have a full-blown infestation.

Jet Pest Control has served the New York City and New Jersey area for many years. Our highly-trained technicians can be found in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, Staten Island, and New Jersey. Give us a call on 1-718-710-0330 today to learn more about the inspection and removal options available for you.

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